Manmadhudu nagarjuna's son naga chaitanya debuting film with rada's daughter karthika JOSH 'S audio released on 18th july , audio release function was in presense of collection king Dr Mohan babu, Nata Samrat Akkineni NAgeswar rao, Nandamuri bala krishna, victory venkates, nagarjuna and his wife amala, dr d ramanaidu, dil raju, nitin, ram, rada, bramha nandam, speaker kiran kumar reddy, director raghavendra rao, varun sandesh, sandeep chouta(music director), sushanth, real star srihari and many more artists comedians and techincians, music CD was launched by speaker kiran kumar reddy, and Audio Casset was released by Darshakendra raghavendra rao, its ninth film for dilraju and his banner sri venkateswara creations , director of this film vasu varma is debuting as director , but before also he was working with dil raju for his previous hit movies, dil raju mentioned the same while he was introducing him, sandeep choutha worked as music director for this film,